Installing Amplicon digital I/O hardware and drivers |
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Turn everything off first! Never try to add/remove an expansion card to/from a computer that is on. If you wave 24V wires around, you may damage components by short-circuiting them accidentally.
Please note that I may confuse +24V and +28V in this discussion - this is because the precise voltage isn't terribly important. As long as everything's the same, you can use either. (Note for those using Med Associates power supplies: Med Associates persist in referring to +28V and -28V lines, giving the impression that there's a 56V potential in total. This is nonsense; what they refer to as -28V, or sometimes as "28V ground", is 0V.)
Proceed through the following steps:
You may need...
This diagram shows the sort of thing you're aiming at with Amplicon digital I/O hardware.