PCI272 and PC272E digital I/O cards

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Configure the cards and install them in the computer.


ISA version (PC272E)




There are two things to configure on the card: the I/O base address (default 0x300) and IRQ (default 5). See the electronic manual for details of how to set these (\manual\pc272e.pdf on the Amplicon CD-ROM), or the figure above.


These settings need to be chosen to avoid conflicts with other cards installed in the com-puter; if you use more than one Amplicon board you will certainly have to change the jumper settings for at least one board. In a plain PC system, a single-board installation will probably work without changing anything.


We generally use two PC272E cards, and as IRQ 5 is normally used by a network card in our computers, we use the following settings:


               First card: IRQ 10, base address 0x300

               Second card: IRQ 11, base address 0x320


You need to tell the Amplicon drivers what settings you have chosen.


Installing Amplicon drivers for the PC272E (ISA) card under Windows NT 4


Insert the Amplicon CD, which comes with the PC272E cards. It will auto-run.


Choose "Software drivers and manuals" from the main menu. Choose "32-bit drivers for the PC272E card" from the matrix presented. The drivers will be installed. Note that the manuals for the card are also available in this matrix. To read them, install Adobe Acrobat Reader from the CD. The drivers have their own, very detailed manual (ampdio32manual.pdf).


Run Control Panel Amplicon DIO and configure each of your cards. The first card is called DIO 0, the second DIO 1, etc. They will be PC272E cards, and you should set the interrupt and base address settings to match those you physically configured the cards to. You will then need to reboot the computer.


Installing Amplicon drivers for the PC272E (ISA) card under Windows 2000


The procedure is essentially the same as for Windows NT 4, except that the CD installation is almost entirely automated. To configure the interrupts and port addresses for each card, use Start Settings Control Panel System Hardware Device Manager.


Under Device Manager, there is an entry is called Amplicon Analogue/Digital IO Counter Timer Cards; this has a submenu which lists PC272E Digital IO Card; under Settings you'll find DIO Port Number, which may be set from DIO0 up to DIO7.


PCI version (PCI272)




You don't need to configure anything on the PCI card. Everything is done in software (from Control Panel).


Installing Amplicon drivers for the PCI272 (PCI) card under Windows NT 4


Installing Amplicon drivers for the PCI272 (PCI) card under Windows 2000/XP


Install the PCI272 card and turn the computer on. Windows will detect the card as "PCI Data Acquisition and Signal Processing Card" (or, if you've installed one of these before, as "PCI272 Digital IO card") and tell you that it wants to install drivers. Insert the Amplicon CD that came with the card; Windows will automatically search for and find the drivers.


To configure the card, choose Start Programs Administrative Tools Computer Management (or Start Settings Control Panel Administrative Tools Computer Management). Then choose Device Manager. In the right-hand tree, you'll see an entry for Amplicon Analogue/Digital IO Counter Timer Cards, under which you'll find PCI272 Digital IO card. Right-click this and choose Properties. Under the Settings tab you can choose the DIO Port Number, which determines the order the cards are seen by Whisker.