ICS Advent I/O hardware

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Configure hardware ICS Advent (82C55A) I/O hardware




You may have up to 8 ICS Advent cards (82C55A chips). For each card, set the card's I/O base address, and choose which ports are to be used as inputs and which as outputs. You can also choose whether to reverse the logic of the card's inputs and/or outputs. Changes will not take effect until you restart the WhiskerServer program.


This hardware is supported as it was/is used by the original Monkey CANTAB system (supplied by Cambridge Cognition Ltd). The original Monkey CANTAB was a DOS-based program that expects a single 82C55A chip at I/O address 0x300.


For details of I/O address assignment and why this is a dangerous card, see

Installing ICS Advent hardware
The ICS Advent PCDIO24B-P card