ICS Advent I/O hardware

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This section explains how to install ICS Advent digital I/O cards.


The specific card that is supported (the ICS Advent PCDIO24B-P ISA card) is an example of a card containing a simple Intel 82C55A I/O controller chip. Therefore, this section applies to any 82C55A controller card without its own drivers.


This hardware is supported as it was/is used by the original Monkey CANTAB system (supplied by Cambridge Cognition Ltd). The original Monkey CANTAB was a DOS-based program that expects a single 82C55A chip at I/O address 0x300.


THIS HARDWARE IS DEPRECATED. The driver is poor, because it is unsafe; it fails to guarantee protection for other devices installed in the computer. Whisker cannot provide that protection retrospectively.


See also:


Configuring ICS hardware within Whisker
www.icsadvent.com (manufacturer's web site) - the company looks like it's now known as Kontron, and is also accessible as www.kontron.com