Cambridge, Experimental Psychology

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The critical extra issue for the IV group is safety of i.v. infusion pumps.


There is a section in the manual that explains the implications of the way the Amplicon hardware initializes itself when the computer is turned on. There is a risk that all devices are turned on in this situation, which is dangerous if those devices include intravenous infusion pumps. It is strongly recommended that you read the section of the manual devoted to this topic.


The problem is wholly avoidable, but it is IMPERATIVE that you install a safety relay to lock out power to the pumps when Whisker is not running, configured appropriately. It is desirable that you install an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for computers running Whisker.


See also

Danger with critical devices
Fail-safe devices (safety relays)
Configuring fail-safe devices


Also in this lab guide: wiring maps for different systems. Explore the help system to see these.

