Logging behaviour |
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Server → Logging behaviour
Log server events? If on (as is the default), the server's event log keeps track of important events.
Write server log to disk? If server event logging is on, and this option is on, a file called whiskerserverlog.txt is written (live) to the directory specified; this is a copy of the server's event log. This is principally to aid developers in task debugging situations, and is off by default to improve performance.
Event logging is on for new clients? If true, the client event log is enabled for new clients. (Subsequently, event logging can be turned on and off for each client.) This is principally to aid developers in task debugging situations, and is off by default to improve performance.
Write client event logs to disk? If a client's event log is enabled, and this option is on, the contents of the event log are also written (live) to disk in clientlog_n.txt (e.g. clientlog_5.txt for client number 5) in the directory specified. This is principally to aid developers in task debugging situations, and is off by default to improve performance.
Communications logging is on for new clients? If true, the client communications log is enabled for new clients. (Subsequently, communications logging can be turned on and off for each client.) This is principally to aid developers in task debugging situations, and is off by default to improve performance. It is a more comprehensive log than the event log.
Write client comms logs to disk? If a client's communications log is enabled, and this option is on, the contents of the communications log are also written (live) to disk in clientlog_n.txt (e.g. clientlog_5.txt for client number 5) in the directory specified. This is principally to aid developers in task debugging situations, and is off by default to improve performance.
Directory for server logs? Choose where these disk logs, if selected, should be stored. The default is C:\, since that always exists, but if you plan to use these disk logs it would be preferable to make and then choose a different directory (e.g. C:\WHISKERLOGS).