Amplicon I/O hardware

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Configure hardware Amplicon I/O hardware




There may be up to 8 Amplicon digital I/O cards (a limit set by the Amplicon drivers). You can choose whether to use each one, if it is installed. (Choosing to use a nonexistent card does no harm! So by default, all the "use" boxes are ticked.) Each card has three 82C55 chips, termed X, Y and Z. Each chip controls 24 lines, and can be configured to have a 24-input card plugged into it, a 24-output card, or a 'mixed' card with 16 inputs and 8 outputs (the EX221; the outputs are the first eight lines, so it's denoted OII here). From 22 August 2006, WhiskerServer also supports custom hardware with a different mix (8 inputs, then 16 outputs, denoted IOO here).


You should set the map up so it matches your hardware.


You can also choose whether to reverse the logic of the card's inputs and/or outputs.


Remember, to configure the interrupts and port addresses for each card, use Start Settings Control Panel Amplicon DIO under Windows NT, or Start Settings Control Panel System Hardware Device Manager Amplicon DIO under Windows 2000.


Changes will not take effect until you restart the WhiskerServer program.