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The Audio menu enables you to test audio output devices.
Start testing all DirectSound devices causes sounds to be played on every sound device that is not claimed by a client. See below for the filenames used to look for the test WAV files. The sound(s) are played on a continuous loop. Multiple tests can be started, which tends to lead to a cacophony (and possibly severe bandwidth overload - see below), but there you go; that's why it's a test facility!
Stop testing all DirectSound devices cancels any ongoing DirectSound tests.
Start testing Windows waveform sound tests a facility not used by WhiskerServer. It sends a sound to the Windows primary sound device; this enables you to establish which sound device is vulnerable to interference from other applications. (It is the primary sound device that receives all the beeps and bongs that your wordprocessor generates when you press the wrong key.) The sound is played on a continuous loop.
Stop testing Windows waveform sound cancels any ongoing Windows waveform sound test.
Start testing selected sound device. If you have clicked on a sound device, this option tests that device on its own. (Devices that are claimed by a client are not tested.)
Stop testing selected sound device cancels any tests on the selected device.
What sounds are played? WhiskerServer looks in the server's test media directory for files named:
testsound.wav Used to test Windows waveform sound. testdevice0.wav Used to test sound device 0. testdevice1.wav Used to test sound device 1. testdevice2.wav Used to test sound device 2… and so on. ...
You can therefore choose your own test sounds. In the test release of Whisker v2.0, two sets of sounds are supplied on the CD:
If Whisker can't find a suitably-named file, it tries again in the default multimedia resource directory; if this fails, an error message is written to the server's event log. |