About SameOpposite

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Same/opposite side reaction time task.


Citing SameOpposite


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(in text)

The task was implemented in the SameOpposite program (Cardinal, 2007) using the Whisker control system (Cardinal & Aitken, 2001).


(in bibliography)

Cardinal RN (2007). SameOpposite (version 0.1), computer software [ www.whiskercontrol.com ]. Cambridge University Technical Services Ltd, Cambridge, UK.

Cardinal RN, Aitken MRF (2001). Whisker (version 2), computer software [ www.whiskercontrol.com ]. Cambridge University Technical Services Ltd, Cambridge, UK.


Software requirements


Requires Whisker v2.0 or greater.


Data storage


Text-based output to disk.
ODBC data storage to a database (supplied).




Rudolf Cardinal (rudolf@pobox.com).




Copyright © Cambridge University Technical Services Ltd


Version history


v0.1 (3-7 July 2007). First version written.
v1.0 (5 Dec 2008). Bug fix: spurious error message ('Syntax error message received unknown command "awaiting"') removed (a status message had a semicolon in; the actual problem was in the clientlib). // Traylight goes off when rear panel entered, if it was on.
v2.0 (12 Jan 2009). Server default changed from "loopback" to "localhost" (Windows Vista compatibility and more general standardization).
v2.1 (25 Mar 2009). Support for using different holes in a 9-hole box environment; change to claimed device names (from HOLE_0-HOLE_4 to HOLE_0-HOLE_8, and similarly for STIMLIGHT).
v2.2 (1 May 2009). That was a silly choice of names, as the FiveChoice task uses HOLE_0 (etc.). So we will now use NHB_HOLE_0 (to _8) and NHB_STIMLIGHT_0 (to _8). ("NHB" for "nine-hole box".)