Required devices

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The program requires to claim devices in groups named box0, box1, box2… with device names as listed below in bold:


# ---------------- Box 0 definition


line    0       box0   REARPANEL

line    1       box0   NHB_HOLE_0

line    2       box0   NHB_HOLE_1

line    3       box0   NHB_HOLE_2

line    4       box0   NHB_HOLE_3

line    5       box0   NHB_HOLE_4

line    6       box0   NHB_HOLE_5

line    7       box0   NHB_HOLE_6

line    8       box0   NHB_HOLE_7

line    9       box0   NHB_HOLE_8



line    24      box0   HOUSELIGHT

line    25      box0   PELLET

line    26      box0   TRAYLIGHT

line    27      box0   TONE

line    28      box0   NHB_STIMLIGHT_0

line    29      box0   NHB_STIMLIGHT_1

line    30      box0   NHB_STIMLIGHT_2

line    31      box0   NHB_STIMLIGHT_3

line    32      box0   NHB_STIMLIGHT_4

line    32      box0   NHB_STIMLIGHT_5

line    32      box0   NHB_STIMLIGHT_6

line    32      box0   NHB_STIMLIGHT_7

line    32      box0   NHB_STIMLIGHT_8


# ... and so on for all your boxes


Please ensure that these devices are available and listed in the device definition file in use by the server. (The snippet above shows an extract from a typical definition file.)

The TONE device is the one used as a tone or a white-noise distractor. (TONE/NOISE DISTRACTION IS NOT CURRENTLY A FEATURE OF THIS TASK.)