DisplayGetObjectExtent |
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DisplayGetObjectExtent <docname> <objectname>
Info: Document <docname> object <objectname> extent: left=<left> top=<top> right=<right> bottom=<bottom> SyntaxError: insufficient parameters to DisplayGetObjectExtent SyntaxError: invalid parameters to DisplayGetObjectExtent Error: Document docname not found by DisplayGetObjectExtent Error: No object called objectname found on display document docname by DisplayGetObjectExtent
Response (immediate socket)
Extent <left> <top> <right> <bottom> Failure
Retrieves the extent of the object, as determined by DisplayAddObject. The (left, top) coordinate is the top left of the bounding rectangle containing the object; the (right, bottom) coordinate is the bottom right. What's a bounding rectangle? The smallest rectangle that will contain the object. For example, imagine a circle: its bounding rectangle encloses the circle. For objects that the server had a problem creating, all coordinates are set to -1. From 17 May 2005, text objects report their extent correctly; before this, they returned all coordinates as -1.
Revision history
Implemented in WhiskerServer version 2.10.2.
See also