Text-based results file

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A sample results file is shown below. The configuration information is shown first; the results follow. (There aren't very many results, because I got bored creating the file.) The results section is shown in bold.


Tasks generally produce results in a comma-delimited format with a header line giving the field names. (This format is itself suitable for importing into a relational database.) Some tasks produce other human-readable summary information.


I encourage you to think of this file as a backup. The database contains all this information and can be used to retrieve both simple and highly detailed information about a subject's performance.









Subject:               test

Session:               9

Date/time code:        26-Jun-2003 (20:47)

Comment:               (add your comment here)

Summary file name:     test-26Jun2003-2049-RatBat-summary.txt

Default ODBC database:


Box:                   0

Client computer name:  EGRET

Server computer name:  loopback




Default media directory:                  C:\Program Files\RatBat\Media

Link - Duration (s):                      20

Link - Play sound during link?            N

Link - Houselight on during link?         N

Adjust stimuli for central feeder?        N

Reward - Give pellet?                     N

Reward - Pellets per reinforcement:       1

Reward - Pellet pulse length (ms):        45

Reward - Interpellet gap (s):             0.5

Reward - Give pump?                       Y

Reward - Pump duration (s):               5

Reward - Pump contingent upon licking?    Y

Reward - If cont., lick pump time (s):    1

Reward - Play sound?                      Y

Reward - Activate extra reward device?    N

Reward - Extra reward device time (s):    5

Punishment - Darkness?                    Y

Punishment - Darkness time (s):           10

Punishment - Play sound?                  Y

Punishment - Extra punishment device?     N

Punishment - Extra device duration (s):   10

Punishment - Give pump 2?                 N

Sounds - Link sound is WAV?               N

Sounds - Link sound filename:            

Sounds - Link sound frequency (Hz):       200

Sounds - Link sound type:                 Sine

Sounds - Link sound duration (s):         1

Sounds - Link sound level (0-100):        100

Sounds - Reward sound is WAV?             N

Sounds - Reward sound filename:          

Sounds - Reward sound frequency (Hz):     1000

Sounds - Reward sound type:               Tone

Sounds - Reward sound duration (s):       1

Sounds - Reward sound level (0-100):      70

Sounds - Punishment sound is WAV?         N

Sounds - Punishment sound filename:      

Sounds - Punishment sound frequency (Hz): 1500

Sounds - Punishment sound type:           Sawtooth

Sounds - Punishment sound duration (s):   2

Sounds - Punishment sound level (0-100):  70

Sounds - Marker1 sound is WAV?            N

Sounds - Marker1 sound filename:        

Sounds - Marker1 sound frequency (Hz):    500

Sounds - Marker1 sound type:              Tone

Sounds - Marker1 sound duration (s):      1

Sounds - Marker1 sound level (0-100):     70

Sounds - Marker2 sound is WAV?            N

Sounds - Marker2 sound filename:        

Sounds - Marker2 sound frequency (Hz):    650

Sounds - Marker2 sound type:              Tone

Sounds - Marker2 sound duration (s):      1

Sounds - Marker2 sound level (0-100):     70

Sounds - Marker3 sound is WAV?            N

Sounds - Marker3 sound filename:        

Sounds - Marker3 sound frequency (Hz):    800

Sounds - Marker3 sound type:              Tone

Sounds - Marker3 sound duration (s):      1

Sounds - Marker3 sound level (0-100):     70




-- Object 0: TT_hugebar


biggreenbar,rectangle 0 0 800 100 -penstyle solid -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 255 0


-- Object 1: Reversal_1


bitmap,bitmap 0 0 "Reversal_1.bmp" -height -1 -width -1 -clip


-- Object 2: Reversal_2


bitmap,bitmap 0 0 "Reversal_2.bmp" -height -1 -width -1 -clip


-- Object 3: Reversal_3


bitmap,bitmap 0 0 "Reversal_3.bmp" -height -1 -width -1 -clip


-- Object 4: Reversal_4


bitmap,bitmap 0 0 "Reversal_4.bmp" -height -1 -width -1 -clip


-- Object 5: Reversal_5


bitmap,bitmap 0 0 "Reversal_5.bmp" -height -1 -width -1 -clip


-- Object 6: Reversal_6


bitmap,bitmap 0 0 "Reversal_6.bmp" -height -1 -width -1 -clip


-- Object 7: Reversal_7


bitmap,bitmap 0 0 "Reversal_7.bmp" -height -1 -width -1 -clip


-- Object 8: Reversal_8


bitmap,bitmap 0 0 "Reversal_8.bmp" -height -1 -width -1 -clip


-- Object 9: SS_bluebox


bluerectangle,rectangle 0 0 200 200 -penstyle solid -penwidth 2 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 255


-- Object 10: SS_redbox


redrectangle,rectangle 0 0 200 200 -penstyle solid -penwidth 2 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 255 0 0


-- Object 11: IDEDpredef_circle_black


circle_black,ellipse 0 0 300 300 -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 0

background_rectangle,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle null -penwidth 1 -pencolour 0 0 0 -brushsolid 0 0 0


-- Object 12: IDEDpredef_circle_green


circle_green,ellipse 0 0 300 300 -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 255 0

background_rectangle,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle null -penwidth 1 -pencolour 0 0 0 -brushsolid 0 0 0


-- Object 13: IDEDpredef_circle_red


circle_red,ellipse 0 0 300 300 -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 255 0 0

background_rectangle,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle null -penwidth 1 -pencolour 0 0 0 -brushsolid 0 0 0


-- Object 14: IDEDpredef_hat_cyan


hat_cyan,polygon 5 150 50 200 200 300 300 0 300 100 200 -alternate -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 255 255

background_rectangle,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle null -penwidth 1 -pencolour 0 0 0 -brushsolid 0 0 0


-- Object 15: IDEDpredef_hat_magenta


hat_magenta,polygon 5 150 50 200 200 300 300 0 300 100 200 -alternate -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 255 0 255

background_rectangle,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle null -penwidth 1 -pencolour 0 0 0 -brushsolid 0 0 0


-- Object 16: IDEDpredef_pentagram_cyan


pentagram_cyan,polygon 5 150 50 250 300 0 100 300 100 50 300 -winding -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 255 255

background_rectangle,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle null -penwidth 1 -pencolour 0 0 0 -brushsolid 0 0 0


-- Object 17: IDEDpredef_pentagram_magenta


pentagram_magenta,polygon 5 150 50 250 300 0 100 300 100 50 300 -winding -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 255 0 255

background_rectangle,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle null -penwidth 1 -pencolour 0 0 0 -brushsolid 0 0 0


-- Object 18: IDEDpredef_pie_blue


pie_blue,pie 0 0 300 300 300 0 300 300 -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 255

background_rectangle,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle null -penwidth 1 -pencolour 0 0 0 -brushsolid 0 0 0


-- Object 19: IDEDpredef_pie_yellow


pie_yellow,pie 0 0 300 300 300 0 300 300 -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 255 255 0

background_rectangle,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle null -penwidth 1 -pencolour 0 0 0 -brushsolid 0 0 0


-- Object 20: IDEDpredef_square_black


square_black,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 0


-- Object 21: IDEDpredef_square_green


square_green,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 255 0


-- Object 22: IDEDpredef_square_red


square_red,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 255 0 0


-- Object 23: IDEDpredef_triangle_blue


triangle_blue,polygon 3 150 0 0 300 300 300 -alternate -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 255

background_rectangle,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle null -penwidth 1 -pencolour 0 0 0 -brushsolid 0 0 0


-- Object 24: IDEDpredef_triangle_yellow


triangle_yellow,polygon 3 150 0 0 300 300 300 -alternate -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 255 255 0

background_rectangle,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle null -penwidth 1 -pencolour 0 0 0 -brushsolid 0 0 0


-- Object 25: TT_redsquare


redsquare,rectangle 0 0 100 100 -penstyle solid -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 255 0 0


-- Object 26: PAL_emptybox


whiteboxblackbackground,rectangle 0 0 260 190 -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 0




-- Task 0: PAL


Maximum no. trials (0 for no limit):                50

Max. time (min) (0 for no limit):                   60

Maximum time for responding (s) (for both phases):  10

Minimum intertrial time (s):                        5

Maximum intertrial time (s):                        15

Must touch sample stimuli?                          Y

Rewarded for touching sample stimuli?               N

Sample stimulus duration, if no touch required (s): 10

Time between samples (s):                           0.5

Minimum memory delay (s):                           5

Maximum memory delay (s):                           20

Reward each correct choice?                         N

Time between choices (s):                           0.5

Mark responses that aren't rewarded/punished?       Y

End trial on first error?                           N

Repeat failed trials?                               N

Repeat failed trials up to X times:                 5

Shuffle sample/choice order when repeating trials?  N

Trial scheme:                                       testscheme

'Empty box' object:                                 PAL_emptybox

Stimulus selection method:                          Cyclical

... (if cyclical) start with stimulus:              0

... (if random) avoid repeats over last X trials:   5


-- Task 1: NPair


Maximum no. trials:                      50

Maximum time (min):                      60

Response criterion time (s):             10

Leave correct stimulus up during reward? Y

Minimum intertrial time (s):             1

Maximum intertrial time (s):             5

Number of pairs used:                    2

Pair choice method:                      Random

...  Pair 0 (correct, incorrect): IDEDpredef_circle_red, IDEDpredef_circle_green

...  Pair 1 (correct, incorrect): IDEDpredef_pie_yellow, IDEDpredef_pie_blue


-- Task 2: ReinforcementFamiliarization


Licker option - pump on at start?       N

Licker option - pump until X licks:     16

Licker option - FR1 licking:            N

Licker option - pump time per lick (s): 1

Main schedule:                          RT

Parameter of main schedule (s):         30

Maximum number of rewards:              120

Maximum time (min):                     60


-- Task 3: TouchTraining


Response criterion time (s):                            10

Starting level:                                         1

Increase level?                                         N

... regardless of performance?                          Y

... criterion (every X trials or if X/last 20 correct): 40

In levels 1+2, present stimuli on the left?             N

In levels 1+2, present stimuli in the centre?           Y

In levels 1+2, present stimuli on the right?            N

Maximum no. trials:                                     80

Maximum time (min):                                     120

Minimum intertrial time (s):                            5

Maximum intertrial time (s):                            15

Min inter-phase pause (sequential level):               2

Max inter-phase pause (sequential level):               10

Number of objects used:                                 1

...  Object 0 (name, correct?): TT_hugebar, Y


-- Task 4: Reversals


Maximum no. trials (0 for no limit):                     100

Max. time (min) (0 for no limit):                        120

Maximum time for responding (s):                         10

Begin trial with Marker 1 sound?                         N

Leave correct stimulus up during reward?                 Y

Minimum intertrial time (s):                             5

Maximum intertrial time (s):                             15

Reverse within a session?                                N

... Reverse when X of last Y correct... X:               6

... Reverse when X of last Y correct... Y:               6

Use three stimuli rather than two?                       N

Stimulus A:                                              Reversal_1

Stimulus B:                                              Reversal_2

Stimulus C:                                            

Begin with B+ (rather than A+)?                          N

p(reward|correct)=1, p(reward|incorrect)=0?              Y

... otherwise, p(reward|correct) =                       1

... and p(reward|incorrect) =                            0

Spatial locn randomized in groups (not fully random)?    Y

Correction procedure:                                    None

Correction procedure parameter A:                        10

Correction procedure parameter B:                        3

Correction procedure parameter C:                        3

Start session with correction procedure?                 N

Correction proc.: correct stim initally on:              Left


-- Task 5: DMTS


Matching? (Alternative is non-matching.)            Y

If matching, number of novel (distractor) stimuli:  1

Maximum no. trials (0 for no limit):                50

Max. time (min) (0 for no limit):                   60

Must touch phase 1 stimulus:                        Y

Maximum time for responding (s) (for phases 1 + 2): 10

Phase 1 stimulus duration if no touch required:     5

Rewarded for touching phase 1 stimulus:             N

Correction phase if subject fails phase 2:          N

Starting level:                                     1

Method of changing level:                           Level_fixed

... criterion (X), if applicable:                   15

Minimum intertrial time (s):                        5

Maximum intertrial time (s):                        15

Number of stimuli available:                        14

Stimuli available:                                  IDEDpredef_circle_black;IDEDpredef_circle_green;IDEDpredef_circle_red;IDEDpredef_hat_cyan;IDEDpredef_hat_magenta;IDEDpredef_pentagram_cyan;IDEDpredef_pentagram_magenta;IDEDpredef_pie_blue;IDEDpredef_pie_yellow;IDEDpredef_square_black;IDEDpredef_square_green;IDEDpredef_square_red;IDEDpredef_triangle_blue;IDEDpredef_triangle_yellow

Stimulus selection method:                          Cyclical

... (if cyclical) start with stimulus:              0

... (if random) avoid repeats over last X trials:   5

Number of levels (values of the memory delay):      4

Level delay values:                                 0.000;5.000;10.000;20.000


-- Task 6: SimpleSchedules


Maximum no. reinforcers: 50

Maximum time (min):      120

Manipulandum object:     SS_redbox

Mark responses aurally?  Y

Mark responses visually? N

Visual marker object:  

Visual marking time (s): 0.2

Schedule type:           CRF [FR-1]

Use timeout?             N

Timeout duration (s):    0




*** TASK ABORTED (cancelled by user or contact with server lost)

Emergency save of outstanding results:


-- Results for Task 0: Paired-Associates Learning






















Started at:        26-Jun-2003 (20:49)

Finished at:       26-Jun-2003 (20:50)


Successfully wrote to database: ODBC;DSN=RatBat_prototype;DBQ=D:\Whisker\CODE\clients\rnc - cambridge\RatBat\RatBat database (sample).mdb;DriverId=281;FIL=MS Access;MaxBufferSize=2048;PageTimeout=5;