Using the Microsoft Access database for RatBat |
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Remember: you shouldn't use the supplied database without making a copy for yourself. (It will work, but if you ever uninstalled or reinstalled RatBat, this file might be replaced or lost. It is much safer to make your own copy and set up ODBC to use your copy.)
When supplied, the database is called "RatBat database (sample).mdb". Make a copy before using it!
You need Microsoft Access (97 or higher) to use this database. Sorry about that.
When you open the database, it looks like this:
RatBat will store its results here. The table "ZZZ INFO: about the tables in this database" summarizes the information held in each table. Click a table and click Design to view a list of all the fields.
Don't modify anything in Design view unless you know what you're doing!
If you close the Design view and click Open instead, you see the contents of this table. Here is the contents of the NPair_Results table (holding results for the n-pair concurrent visual discrimination task). I entered some sample results into this table.
Feel free to explore the tables.
When you want to extract data for analysis, you may want to create queries to do so. (Queries are listed in the "Queries" section of the main database screen.) Queries can be created using Access's visual query design system, or using the language SQL (Structured Query Language). A little on relational database principles and SQL follows. |