Text-based results file |
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A sample results file is shown below. The configuration information is shown first; the results follow. (There aren't very many results, because I got bored creating the file.) The results section is shown in bold.
Tasks generally produce results in a comma-delimited format with a header line giving the field names. (This format is itself suitable for importing into a relational database.) Some tasks produce other human-readable summary information.
I encourage you to think of this file as a backup. The database contains all this information and can be used to retrieve both simple and highly detailed information about a subject's performance.
PIGTAB -- SUMMARY FILE ______________________
Subject: fish Session: 110 Date/time code: 28-Sep-2002 (19:19) Comment: testing Summary file name: fish-28Sep2002-1919-PigTab-summary.txt Default ODBC database: PigTab
Box: 0 Client computer name: WILLOW Server computer name: needle
Default media directory: w:\whisker_test_media Link - Duration (s): 20 Link - Play sound during link? Y Link - Houselight on during link? N Reward - Give pellet? Y Reward - Pellets per reinforcement: 1 Reward - Pellet pulse length (ms): 45 Reward - Interpellet gap (s): 0.5 Reward - Play sound? Y Punishment - Darkness? Y Punishment - Darkness time (s): 10 Punishment - Play sound? Y Punishment - Deploy pigpusher? N Punishment - Pigpusher duration (s): 10 Sounds - Link sound is WAV? N Sounds - Link sound filename: TestSnd.wav Sounds - Link sound frequency (Hz): 100 Sounds - Link sound type: Sine Sounds - Link sound duration (s): 1 Sounds - Link sound level (0-100): 100 Sounds - Reward sound is WAV? Y Sounds - Reward sound filename: TestSnd.wav Sounds - Reward sound frequency (Hz): 1500 Sounds - Reward sound type: Tone Sounds - Reward sound duration (s): 1 Sounds - Reward sound level (0-100): 100 Sounds - Punishment sound is WAV? N Sounds - Punishment sound filename: Sounds - Punishment sound frequency (Hz): 1000 Sounds - Punishment sound type: Square Sounds - Punishment sound duration (s): 2 Sounds - Punishment sound level (0-100): 100 Sounds - Marker1 sound is WAV? N Sounds - Marker1 sound filename: Sounds - Marker1 sound frequency (Hz): 500 Sounds - Marker1 sound type: Sine Sounds - Marker1 sound duration (s): 1 Sounds - Marker1 sound level (0-100): 100 Sounds - Marker2 sound is WAV? N Sounds - Marker2 sound filename: Sounds - Marker2 sound frequency (Hz): 2000 Sounds - Marker2 sound type: Sawtooth Sounds - Marker2 sound duration (s): 1 Sounds - Marker2 sound level (0-100): 100 Sounds - Marker3 sound is WAV? N Sounds - Marker3 sound filename: Sounds - Marker3 sound frequency (Hz): 500 Sounds - Marker3 sound type: Tone Sounds - Marker3 sound duration (s): 1 Sounds - Marker3 sound level (0-100): 100
-- Object 0: yellow
polygon,polygon 3 50 0 0 100 100 100 -winding -penstyle solid -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 255 255 255 text,text 150 0 "Welcome to PigTab" -height 20 -textcolour 255 255 255 -backcolour 0 0 0 -weight 700 -italic -font "Times New Roman" line,line 0 0 100 100 -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 0 0 arc,arc 0 0 100 100 0 100 0 0 -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 0 0 bitmap,bitmap 0 0 "w:\whisker_help\bitmaps\rat_greyscale.bmp" -height 100 -width 100 -stretch rect,rectangle 0 0 100 100 -penstyle solid -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 255 255 255 roundrect,roundrect 0 0 100 100 75 90 -penstyle solid -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 255 255 255 bezier,bezier 100 100 0 50 250 50 200 100 -penstyle solid -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255
-- Object 1: red
roundrect,roundrect 0 0 100 100 75 90 -penstyle solid -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 255 0 0
-- Object 2: green
pie,pie 0 0 100 100 0 100 0 0 -penstyle solid -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 255 0
-- Object 3: blue
rectangle,rectangle 0 0 100 100 -penstyle solid -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 255
-- Object 4: yellow0
polygon,polygon 3 50 0 0 100 100 100 -winding -penstyle solid -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 255 255 255 text,text 150 0 "Welcome to PigTab" -height 20 -textcolour 255 255 255 -backcolour 0 0 0 -weight 700 -italic -font "Times New Roman" line,line 0 0 100 100 -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 0 0 arc,arc 0 0 100 100 0 100 0 0 -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 0 0 bitmap,bitmap 0 0 "w:\whisker_help\bitmaps\rat_greyscale.bmp" -height 100 -width 100 -stretch rect,rectangle 0 0 100 100 -penstyle solid -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 255 255 255 roundrect,roundrect 0 0 100 100 75 90 -penstyle solid -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 255 255 255 bezier,bezier 100 100 0 50 250 50 200 100 -penstyle solid -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255
-- Object 5: circle_black
circle_black,ellipse 0 0 300 300 -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 0 background_rectangle,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle null -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 0
-- Object 6: square_black
square_black,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 0
-- Object 7: circle_red
circle_red,ellipse 0 0 300 300 -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 255 0 0 background_rectangle,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle null -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 0
-- Object 8: circle_green
circle_green,ellipse 0 0 300 300 -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 255 0 background_rectangle,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle null -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 0
-- Object 9: square_red
square_red,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 255 0 0
-- Object 10: square_green
square_green,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 255 0
-- Object 11: triangle_blue
triangle_blue,polygon 3 150 0 0 300 300 300 -winding -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 255 background_rectangle,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle null -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 0
-- Object 12: triangle_yellow
triangle_yellow,polygon 3 150 0 0 300 300 300 -winding -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 255 255 0 background_rectangle,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle null -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 0
-- Object 13: pie_blue
pie_blue,pie 0 0 300 300 300 0 300 300 -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 255 background_rectangle,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle null -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 0
-- Object 14: pie_yellow
pie_yellow,pie 0 0 300 300 300 0 300 300 -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 255 255 0 background_rectangle,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle null -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 0
-- Object 15: pentagram_cyan
pentagram_cyan,polygon 5 150 0 250 300 0 100 300 100 50 300 -winding -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 255 255 background_rectangle,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle null -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 0
-- Object 16: pentagram_magenta
pentagram_magenta,polygon 5 150 0 250 300 0 100 300 100 50 300 -winding -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 255 0 255 background_rectangle,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle null -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 0
-- Object 17: hat_cyan
hat_cyan,polygon 5 150 50 200 200 300 300 0 300 100 200 -winding -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 255 255 background_rectangle,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle null -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 0
-- Object 18: hat_magenta
hat_magenta,polygon 5 150 50 200 200 300 300 0 300 100 200 -winding -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 255 0 255 background_rectangle,rectangle 0 0 300 300 -penstyle null -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 0
-- Object 19: ThreeChoice_Centre
white_triangle,polygon 3 100 0 200 200 0 200 -winding -penstyle solid -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 255 255 255 background_rectangle,rectangle 0 0 200 200 -penstyle null -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 0
-- Object 20: ThreeChoice_AbsentStimulus
rectangle,rectangle 0 0 200 200 -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 0
-- Object 21: ThreeChoice_Target
target_circle,ellipse 50 50 150 150 -penstyle null -penwidth 1 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 255 255 0 rectangle,rectangle 0 0 200 200 -penstyle solid -penwidth 3 -pencolour 255 255 255 -brushsolid 0 0 0
-- Task 0: ThreeChoice
Maximum no. trials (0 for no limit): 10 Max. time (min) (0 for no limit): 4 Phase 1 stimulus (centring object): ThreeChoice_Centre Max. time for subject to respond in phase 1: 10 Hold time (time that subject must stay on stim.): 5 Reward subject for phase 1? N Punish premature responding? Y Phase 2 stimulus (target): ThreeChoice_Target Phase 2 location marker (absence of target): ThreeChoice_AbsentStimulus All three target locations equiprobable? Y ... if not, p(left): 0.333 ... if not, p(right): 0.333 Max. time for subject to respond in phase 2: 10 Minimum intertrial time (s): 5 Maximum intertrial time (s): 5 Possible delays before target appearance: 2.000000;1.000000;0.500000;1.500000 Possible target durations: 0.500000;3.000000
-- Task 1: DMTS
Matching? (Alternative is non-matching.) N Maximum no. trials (0 for no limit): 10 Max. time (min) (0 for no limit): 4 Must touch phase 1 stimulus: Y Maximum time for responding (s) (for phases 1 + 2): 10 Phase 1 stimulus duration if no touch required: 5 Rewarded for touching phase 1 stimulus: Y Correction phase if subject fails phase 2: Y Starting level: 1 Method of changing level: Level_random ... criterion (X), if applicable: 15 Minimum intertrial time (s): 5 Maximum intertrial time (s): 5 Number of stimuli available: 2 Stimuli available: square_green;hat_magenta Number of levels (values of the memory delay): 5 Level delay values: 0.000000;1.000000;2.000000;3.000000;4.000000
-- Task 2: VisualDiscrim
Maximum no. trials (0 for no limit): 100 Max. time (min) (0 for no limit): 120 Stimulus A1: circle_black Stimulus A2: square_black Stimulus A1B1: circle_red Stimulus A1B2: circle_green Stimulus A2B1: square_red Stimulus A2B2: square_green Stimulus A3B3: triangle_blue Stimulus A3B4: triangle_yellow Stimulus A4B3: pie_blue Stimulus A4B4: pie_yellow Stimulus A5B5: pentagram_cyan Stimulus A5B6: pentagram_magenta Stimulus A6B5: hat_cyan Stimulus A6B6: hat_magenta Maximum time for responding (s): 10 Starting stage: Intradimensional (ID) shift Increase stage after how many sequential correct trials: 6 Give ID reversal stage? Y Give ED reversal stage? Y Minimum intertrial time (s): 5 Maximum intertrial time (s): 15
-- Task 3: DMTL
Maximum no. trials (0 for no limit): 10 Max. time (min) (0 for no limit): 3 Main object: yellow Must touch phase 1 stimulus: Y Maximum time for responding (s) (for phases 1 + 2): 10 Phase 1 stimulus duration if no touch required: 5 Rewarded for touching phase 1 stimulus: N Minimum memory delay (s): 2 Maximum memory delay (s): 6 Correction phase if subject fails phase 2: Y Starting number of stimuli: 2 Increase number of stimuli? Y ... regardless of performance? Y ... criterion (every X trials or if X/last 20 correct): 3 Minimum intertrial time (s): 5 Maximum intertrial time (s): 15
-- Task 4: SpatialWM
Maximum no. trials (0 for no limit): 10 Max. time (min) (0 for no limit): 3 Main object: red Mark responses aurally? Y Mark responses visually? Y Visual marker object: green Visual marker time (s): 0.1 Starting number of stimuli: 2 Increase number of stimuli? Y ... regardless of performance? N ... criterion (every X trials or if X/last 20 correct): 2 Maximum time for responding (s): 5 Minimum intertrial time (s): 2 Maximum intertrial time (s): 3
-- Task 5: ProgressiveRatio
Maximum no. reinforcers: 4 Maximum time (min): 5 Manipulandum object: yellow Mark responses aurally? Y Mark responses visually? Y Visual marker object: green Visual marking time (s): 0.2 Ratio progression type: Fibonacci
-- Task 6: TouchTraining
Response criterion time (s): 10 Starting level: 2 Increase level? Y ... regardless of performance? Y ... criterion (every X trials or if X/last 20 correct): 3 Maximum no. trials: 10 Maximum time (min): 5 Minimum intertrial time (s): 5 Maximum intertrial time (s): 10 Min inter-phase pause (sequential level): 2 Max inter-phase pause (sequential level): 5 Number of objects used: 4 ... Object 0 (name, correct?): yellow, Y ... Object 1 (name, correct?): green, N ... Object 2 (name, correct?): yellow, Y ... Object 3 (name, correct?): red, Y
-- Task 7: ReinforcementFamiliarization
Parameter of RT schedule (s): 2 Maximum number of rewards: 5 Maximum time (min): 2
*** TASK ABORTED (cancelled by user or contact with server lost) Emergency save of outstanding results:
-- Results for Task 0: Three-Choice Serial Reaction Time
Trial,TrialStartTimeMs,Phase1Responded,Phase1ResponseLatencyMs,Phase1Succeeded,Phase1TimeHeldForMs,Phase1Rewarded,Phase1Punished,DelayStartTimeMs,DelayTimeMs,Premature,FirstPrematureLocation,FirstPrematureResponseTimeMs,PrematurePunished,Phase2Given,Phase2StartTimeMs,Phase2StimulusDurationMs,Phase2OfferedLocation,Phase2ChosenLocation,Phase2Responded,Phase2RespondedCorrectly,Phase2ResponseLatencyMs,Phase2Rewarded,Phase2Punished,ITITimeMs 0,24040979,Y,5808,N,701,N,Y,0,0,N,-1,0,N,N,0,0,-1,-1,N,N,0,N,N,5000 1,24062509,Y,2865,N,3194,N,Y,0,0,N,-1,0,N,N,0,0,-1,-1,N,N,0,N,N,5000 2,24083600,Y,621,Y,5007,N,N,24089238,1000,N,-1,0,N,Y,24090249,3000,2,2,Y,Y,1442,Y,N,5000 3,24097730,N,0,N,0,N,N,0,0,N,-1,0,N,N,0,0,-1,-1,N,N,0,N,N,0
Started at: 28-Sep-2002 (19:20) Finished at: 28-Sep-2002 (19:21)
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