Choice with delayed reinforcement (discrete-trial task).
Software requirements
Requires Whisker v2.0 or greater.
Data storage
• | Text-based output to disk. |
• | ODBC data storage to a database (supplied). |
Rudolf Cardinal (rudolf@pobox.com).
Copyright © Cambridge University Technical Services Ltd
Sample publications using this form of task (PMID refers to PubMed ID at http://www.pubmed.com)
• | Cardinal RN, Robbins TW, Everitt BJ (2000). The effects of d-amphetamine, chlordiazepoxide, alpha-flupenthixol and behavioural manipulations on choice of signalled and unsignalled delayed reinforcement in rats. Psychopharmacology 152: 362–375. PMID 11140328. |
• | Cardinal RN, Pennicott DR, Sugathapala CL, Robbins TW, Everitt BJ (2001). Impulsive choice induced in rats by lesions of the nucleus accumbens core. Science 292: 2499–2501. PMID 11375482. |
• | Cardinal RN, Cheung THC (2005). Nucleus accumbens core lesions retard instrumental learning and performance with delayed reinforcement in the rat. BMC Neuroscience 6: 9. PMID 15691387. |
• | Cheung THC, Cardinal RN (2005). Hippocampal lesions facilitate instrumental learning with delayed reinforcement but induce impulsive choice in rats. BMC Neuroscience 6: 36. PMID 15892889. |
• | Cardinal RN, Howes NJ (2005). Effects of lesions of the nucleus accumbens core on choice between small certain rewards and large uncertain rewards in rats. BMC Neuroscience 6: 37. PMID 15921529. |
The following articles illustrate a quantitative methodology (to be commended) to establish aspects of reinforcer delay/magnitude/probability sensitivity; this paradigm can also be accomplished with the present task.
• | Kheramin S, Body S, Mobini S, Ho MY, Velázquez-Martinez DN, Bradshaw CM, Szabadi E, Deakin JF, Anderson IM (2004). Effects of quinolinic acid-induced lesions of the orbital prefrontal cortex on inter-temporal choice: a quantitative analysis. Psychopharmacology 165: 9-17. PMID 12474113. |
• | Kheramin S, Body S, Ho M, Velazquez-Martinez DN, Bradshaw CM, Szabadi E, Deakin JF, Anderson IM (2003). Role of the orbital prefrontal cortex in choice between delayed and uncertain reinforcers: a quantitative analysis. Behavioural Processes 64: 239-250. PMID 14580695. |
• | Kheramin S, Body S, Ho MY, Velazquez-Martinez DN, Bradshaw CM, Szabadi E, Deakin JF, Anderson IM (2004). Effects of orbital prefrontal cortex dopamine depletion on inter-temporal choice: a quantitative analysis. Psychopharmacology 175: 206-14. PMID 14991223. |
• | Bezzina G, Cheung TH, Asgari K, Hampson CL, Body S, Bradshaw CM, Szabadi E, Deakin JF, Anderson IM (2007). Effects of quinolinic acid-induced lesions of the nucleus accumbens core on inter-temporal choice: a quantitative analysis. Psychopharmacology 195: 71-84. PMID 17659381. |
Revision history
• | First version written in 2002. |
• | v2.3 (22 Nov 2003). Switch to XML configuration file; minor bugfix; probabilistic choice added; quick-config buttons. |
• | Version 2.6 (22 Oct 2004): bugfix: TrialOverall ticked up one inappropriately between blocks. |
• | Version 2.7 (8 March 2007): easier compilation by users. |
• | Version 2.8 (29 Oct 2007): textual correction in delay/probability entry dialogue. |
• | Version 2.9 (13 June 2008): ImpulsiveChoice_AntiqueLevers version. |
• | Version 3.0 (12 Jan 2009): Server default changed from "loopback" to "localhost" (Windows Vista compatibility and more general standardization). |