DatabaseManager - version_tracker.txt ---------------------------- Version numbers are stored in: (1) .rc file (About box) Supplied with WhiskerServer and built by its .ISS file. Version history: 0.1 (5-9 May 2005) ======================== - OK, all done. 1.0 (July 2011) ======================== - Linker specifics (ODBC*.LIB) changed. Known problems with ODBC drivers (or, Somebody Else's Problem) ================================ - Access 97 returns "nullable" for fields that I think should be NOT NULL, e.g. numbers with the "Required" flag set in Access - i.e. it doesn't seem to handle the NOT NULL constraint properly. It also allows you to create (in SQL) a "NOT NULL" field with no default on an existing table with data in it. But when you create a NOT NULL field, Access sets the "Required" flag. My code matches e.g. the DBInfo tool. This just seems to be an Access thing. Known problems with Whisker Database Manager ============================================ Things to do ============