whisker_python_demo.py |
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#!/usr/bin/python # whisker_python_demo.py # 7 Feb 2010 # --------------------------- # Syntax: whisker_perl_demo.pl [server [port]] # # Note that Python comments are preceded by a hash (#) # Python quick guides and reference: # http://www.intuit-symbiosis.org/computing/?uid=9 # http://docs.python.org/tutorial/ # Standard conventions: # - 4 spaces, not tabs # - CamelCase for classes, lower_case_underscore for functions
import whisker # read in whisker.py from current directory or PYTHONPATH # If you don't have it, fetch it from http://www.whiskercontrol.com/examples/whisker.py
# ----------------------------------------------------------- # Main program # -----------------------------------------------------------
# Fetch command-line options. from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-s", "--server", action="store", type="string", dest="server", default="localhost", help="connect to Whisker server SERVER", metavar="SERVER") parser.add_option("-p", "--port", action="store", type="string", dest="port", default="3233", help="use TCP/IP port PORT", metavar="PORT") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbosenetwork", action="store_true", dest="verbosenetwork", default=True, help="show verbose network messages") parser.add_option("-q", "--quietnetwork", action="store_false", dest="verbosenetwork", help="suppress network messages") parser.add_option("-d", "--verbosedatabase", action="store_true", dest="verbosedatabase", default=True, help="show verbose database messages") parser.add_option("-x", "--quietdatabase", action="store_false", dest="verbosedatabase", help="suppress database messages") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # We now have what we want in (e.g.) options.server and options.port # Pass info to the whisker namespace. whisker.verbosenetwork = options.verbosenetwork whisker.verbosedatabase = options.verbosedatabase
print "Whisker demo in Python" print "----------------------"
# Open log file. print "\n--- Let's open a log file." logfilename = whisker.ask_user("Text results file", "whiskertemp.txt") logfile = open(logfilename, "w")
# Open database connection. print "\n--- Let's open a database connection." dbh = whisker.connect_to_database()
# Open network connection. print "\n--- Let's connect to Whisker." whisker.connect_both_ports(options.server, options.port)
# Initial commands to server: claiming lines and setting up the task. print "\n--- We're connected. Let's set up a task." whisker.send("ReportName Whisker python demo program") whisker.send("ReportStatus Absolutely fine.") whisker.send("WhiskerStatus") reply = whisker.send_immediate("TimerSetEvent 1000 9 TimerFired") reply = whisker.send_immediate("TimerSetEvent 12000 0 EndOfTask") whisker.send("TestNetworkLatency")
# Enter a loop to listen to messages from the server. print "\n--- Let's listen to the server and process its events." for line in whisker.getlines_mainsock(): if whisker.verbosenetwork: print "SERVER: " + line # For info only. if line == "Ping": # If the server has sent us a Ping, acknowledge it. whisker.send("PingAcknowledged") if line[:7] == "Event: ": # The server has sent us an event. event = line[7:] if whisker.verbosenetwork: print "EVENT RECEIVED: " + event # For info only. # Event handling for the behavioural task is dealt with here. if event == "EndOfTask": break # Exit the while loop.
# Create some sample data. # For arrays of arrays, see http://perldoc.perl.org/perldsc.html#ARRAYS-OF-ARRAYS # For passing array references to functions, see http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/Dave/PERL/node61.html table = "table1" fields = ["field1","field2","field3"] values = [ [ "data1","data2","data3" ], [ "data4","data5","data6" ], [ "data7","data8","data9" ], ]
# Write data to disk/database. Do these separately, disk first, in case there are database problems. print "\n--- Let's write to the log file." whisker.produce_csv_output(logfile, fields, values)
print "\n--- Let's write to the database." whisker.sql_insert_multiple_records(dbh, table, fields, values)
print "\n--- Let's log out from the Whisker server." whisker.log_out() print "----------------" print "Finished."