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Warning: <report>








A warning message is sent when a command (recevied on either socket) is either useless or unnecessary. The difference between an error and a warning is that the server successfully completes the useless command when a warning is issued (but has failed to do so when an error is generated). For example if you had created a display object was called 'mydoc' , attempts to add an object to 'mydoct' (misspelling) would generate an error (critical failure), whereas an attempt to delete 'mydoct' would generate a warning.        


SDK Control


WhiskerWarning fires (Visual Basic: calls Control_WhiskerWarning Sub), with the ErrorMessage and Time parameters set to the appropriate values.




virtual CWhiskerTask::IncomingWarning() is called – if your task overrides this function, the override will be called with the strMessage and lTime parameters set to the appropriate values.


Revision history


Implemented in WhiskerServer version 1.




Warning: LineReadState called with multiline alias "XXX": only one state returned!

Warning: AnalogueReadState called with multiline alias "XXX": only one state returned!

Warning: AnalogueReadConfig called with multiline alias "XXX": only one config returned!

Warning: No line events to clear called "XXX"!

Warning: No timer events to clear called "XXX"!

Warning: No client-owned displays to delete (called "XXX")!

Warning: No display documents to delete (called "XXX")!

Warning: No sound buffer called "XXX" found on "YYY" by "ZZZ"!

Warning: Sending a client-client message when you cannot receive a reply!

Warning: Sending a client-client message to yourself!

Warning: No listening clients receving broadcast message!

Warning: Event generated from a pegged line

Warning: Attempting to set the state of a pegged output, won't do anything