DisplaySetObjectEventTransparency |
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DisplaySetObjectEventTransparency <docname> <objectname> on|off
SyntaxError: insufficient parameters to DisplaySetObjectEventTransparency SyntaxError: invalid parameters to DisplaySetObjectEventTransparency Error: document docname not found by DisplaySetObjectEventTransparency Error: No object called objectname found on display document docname by DisplaySetObjectEventTransparency Info: event transparency set to true Info: event transparency set to false
Response (immediate socket)
Success Failure
Sets the 'event transparency' property for the chosen object ("on" is transparent, "off" is not). Transparency in this sense does not refer to what you see on the screen. Instead, it refers to the object's behaviour when an object is clicked on with the mouse, touched on a touchscreen, etc. If the object is transparent, it may respond to the event, but will also allow objects behind it to respond (until an 'opaque' object is reached). If the object is not transparent, objects behind it are prevented from 'seeing' that their part of the screen has been touched/clicked. By default, objects are not transparent.
Cacheing Mode and Display Events If cacheing mode is enabled, the client may set or clear events, or change event transparency, for objects not yet displayed (that is, added since DisplayCacheChanges), or for objects which are awaiting deletion (deleted since DisplayCacheChanges) . Commands will take effect immediately for any objects currently displayed.
Revision history
Implemented by WhiskerServer version 2.3.
(Bug in documentation before 12 Dec 2022: listed as DisplaySetEventTransparency instead.)
See also