Set server device definition file

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Configure hardware Set server device definition file


This topic is discussed in detail in the Programmer's Guide (see the section entitled The server's device definition file). Essentially, the device definition file is a list telling the server what each device represents in the physical world — for example,


line       0       box1       LEFTLEVER

line       1       box1       RIGHTLEVER

line       2       box2       LEFTLEVER


display    0       box1       display


audio      0       box1       leftsound

audio      1       box1       rightsound

audio      2       box2       leftsound



This configuration setting is a per-user setting in Windows (i.e. each Windows user can set Whisker up to use a different configuration file).


Each computer is expected to have at least one device definition file reflecting the way that that particular computer is wired up. Create the definition file; tell the server where it is in the dialogue box:




… clicking Browse to find and specify the file:




… and then clients can refer to the devices by name rather than by number (as described in the Programmer's Guide; see The server's device definition file). If you change the wiring of your computer, simply edit the device definition file; you will not need to change your client tasks.


The device definition file is only read when the server starts.