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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# ---------------------------

# Syntax: [server [port]]

# ---------------------------

# 16 May 2010


# Note that Perl comments are preceded by a hash (#)


require 5.002; # Require this version of Perl.

use strict; # Enable strict syntax checking.

use Socket; # Use the Socket module for TCP/IP communications.

use IO::Handle; # IO::Handle provides the autoflush command.

use IO::Socket::INET;


my $numinputs = 16;

my $numoutputs = 8;

my (@inputstate, @outputstate);

for (my $i = 0; $i < $numinputs; ++$i) {

       $inputstate[$i] = 0;


for (my $i = 0; $i < $numoutputs; ++$i) {

       $outputstate[$i] = 0;


# Special





my $port = shift || 5002; # Get (main) port number or supply default (default as per York Winter's email of 17/5/10).

my ($client, $command, $reply, $channel, $duration, $state, $hostinfo); # Declare other variables.

my $DEBUGNETWORK = 1; # Controls verbose printing of network communications

my $delimiter = "\n\r"; # CR (\n), LF (\r)


print "Berlin dummy server in Perl\n";

print "---------------------------\n";


# Open network connection.


# Listen = number of pending connections; SOMAXCON is a special symbol for the system maximum

# Reuse = restart the server manually

my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => 'tcp', LocalPort => $port, Listen => SOMAXCONN, Reuse => 1);

die "can't setup server" unless $server;

print "[Server $0 is running]\n";


# Now wait for a connection. (Can telnet to this server as a test.)

while ($client = $server->accept()) {


       my ($name, $aliases, $addrtype, $length, @addrs);

       ($name, $aliases, $addrtype, $length, @addrs) = gethostbyaddr($client->peeraddr, AF_INET);

       printf "[Connect from %s]\n", $name;


       # Enter a loop to listen to messages from the server.

       while ($command = <$client>) {

               $command =~ s/\s+$//; # remove trailing rubbish

               $command =~ s/^\s+//; # remove leading rubbish

               # don't use chomp (which only removes \n); instead, remove CR, LF, any other trailing whitespace


               if ($DEBUGNETWORK) {

                       print "CLIENT: $command\n"; # For info only.

                       # print "String length = " . length($command) . "\n";


               if ($command =~ /^GetNumberOfInputChannels/) {

                       Send("NumberOfInputChannels 16");


               if ($command =~ /^GetNumberOfOutputChannels/) {

                       Send("NumberOfOutputChannels 8");


               if ($command =~ /^SetChannelOn (.+)/) {

                       $channel = $1;

                       if ($channel >= 0 && $channel < $numinputs) {

                               $outputstate[$channel] = 1;

                               print "Output channel " . $channel . " set ON\n";


                       # Now a silly debug bit

                       if ($channel == 5 || $channel == 6) {

                               $inputstate[4] = !$inputstate[4];

                               Send("SensorState 4 " . $inputstate[4]);


                       # No response


               if ($command =~ /^SetChannelOnPulse (.+) (.+)/) {

                       $channel = $1;

                       $duration = $2;

                       if ($channel >= 0 && $channel < $numinputs) {

                               $outputstate[$channel] = 1;

                               print "Output channel " . $channel . " set ON for pulse of " . $duration . " (NOT REALLY IMPLEMENTED)\n";

                               # should set it off later, but never mind ***


                       # No response


               if ($command =~ /^SetChannelOff (.+)/) {

                       $channel = $1;

                       if ($channel >= 0 && $channel < $numinputs) {

                               $outputstate[$channel] = 0;

                               print "Output channel " . $channel . " set OFF\n";


                       # No response


               if ($command =~ /^GetSensorState (.+)/) {

                       $channel = $1;

                       if ($channel >= 0 && $channel < $numinputs) {

                               Send("SensorState " . $channel . " " . $inputstate[$channel]);



               # Can also send SensorState messages spontaneously ***        


       close ($client) || die "Error closing socket: $!";

       print "[Disconnected.]\n";


# use CTRL-C to shut down the server



sub Send {

       # Send something to the server on the main socket, with a trailing newline.

       if ($DEBUGNETWORK) { print STDOUT "Message to client: @_\n"; } # For info only.

       print $client "@_" . $delimiter;



# -----------------------------------------------------------

# --------------------------- User interface routines.

# -----------------------------------------------------------


sub AskUser {

       print "$_[0] [$_[1]]: ";

       my $rc = <>;

       chomp $rc;

       if($rc eq "") { $rc = $_[1]; }

       return $rc;
