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Welcome to the WebMD News Center
Last Updated:  May 25, 2001 7:50 p.m. Eastern  

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> Arsenic in the Playground
Group wants to ban preserved wood that contains arsenic from playgrounds
> Heart Failure Drug Nears Approval
FDA panel gives thumbs up to unique treatment
> A Shocking Solution to Obesity
Stomach pacemaker helps patients eat less and lose weight
> Kids and Sun Safety
When having fun in the sun, most kids do so without protection
> Bee Careful With Insect Stings
If you think you're allergic, ask for both skin and blood tests
> Pimples, Proms and Plastic Surgery
Yes, even plastic surgery is part of being a teen in this day and age
> Impulsive? It's All In Your Head
Impulsive behavior in some may be caused by brain defect
> Physical Therapy for Parkinson's?
It could help, say experts, but home exercise is cheaper, might work as well
> FDA Warning
Viva brand of cantaloupe linked to numerous cases of food poisoning
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  Conference Coverage Online   
April 27 - May 1, 2001
Pediatric Academic Societies' 2001 Annual Meeting -- Baltimore, Md.
April 22-25, 2001
43rd Annual Science Writers Seminar of the American Cancer Society -- Dana Point, Calif.
April 1-5, 2001
221st National Meeting and Exposition of the American Chemical Society -- San Diego, Calif.

March 31- April 4, 2001
Experimental Biology 2001 Meeting -- Orlando, Fla.
March 24-28, 2001
92nd Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research -- New Orleans, La.

Past Conferences

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> Good Medicine, Bad Drug
> Ecstasy Doesn't Last
> Heroin Is Prevalent
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  What Your Physician Is Reading   
> Rare Outbreaks of Quinolone-Resistant Salmonella Documented
> Second New Interferon Drug Combo Cures Hepatitis C
> It's the Pill, Dummy -- Or Is It?
> Air Pollution, Infant Mortality Linked in New Study
> Early Pet Exposure May Reduce Risk of Allergies in Children

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  WebMD Washington Bureau   
> Arsenic in the Playground
> 'Caregiving 101'
> Bush OKs New Patients' Rights Plan
> OxyContin Abuse Targeted
> Medical Marijuana Snuffed Out
> The Vote Is In
> What to Do About Distracted Drivers
> Who Will Take Care of Us?
> Harder to Swallow?
> Drug Reactions
> Avoid Summer Injury

  News From WebMD International   

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Drug Approved to Fight Advanced Breast Cancer
Getting Gamblers Off the Habit
Managing Heavy Menstrual Bleeding in Teens

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Why Barbecued Sausages Pose A Risk To Your Health
Should Acne Be Treated With Antibiotics?
Premature Babies At Risk Of Childhood Behavioural Problems

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