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science updateFriday 25 May 2001


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Nature Science Update is an entertaining, informative and accessible round-up of what's new in the world of science brought to you by the Nature News Service -- the popular science syndication arm of the leading international science journal Nature.
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The latest research reported by Nature's science writing team. Now updated daily at midnight GMT.


today's news:

American Society for Microbiology General Meeting, Florida
Groceries trip triclosan switch
Shower gel and mustard may boost antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
Groceries trip triclosan switch

physics: Market calms before storm
Stock-market crashes are preceded by an eerie bout of predictability.

Market calms before storm

brain: Instant gratification centre found?
Impulsive behaviour may be linked to a specific brain area.

Instant gratification centre found?

Thursday 24 May 2001
environment: Sink hopes sink
Forests show little response to increased carbon dioxide.

Sink hopes sink

lifelines: Mushrooms aid total recall
Flies can learn, but not remember, without active nerve cells.

Mushrooms aid total recall

space: Pluto has big shiny colleague
A close look at the Kuiper belt may tell us more about the early Solar System.

Pluto has big shiny colleague

Wednesday 23 May 2001
American Society for Microbiology General Meeting, Florida

lifelines: Double whammy could cause MS
Two viruses may cause the body to get on its own nerves.

Double whammy could cause MS

Blame Typhoid Mary's gallstones
The bacteria that cause typhoid fever cling to gallstones.

Typhoid Mary's gallstones to blame

other news:
Drugs fill a gap
Molecular keys that lock enzymes out of harm's way can be moulded within the enzymes themselves.

Drugs fill a gap

lifelines: Match of the data
Information can make the world a happier place.

Match of the data

Tuesday 22 May 2001
American Society for Microbiology General Meeting, Florida
Virus crosses brain cancer
Blending the common cold and polio viruses may have created a brain cancer therapy.

Virus crosses brain cancer

lifelines: Genetics' Nod2 gut disease
Susceptibility gene for Crohn's disease identified

Genetics' Nod2 gut disease

lifelines: Bees jail offenders
South African honeybees incarcerate parasites they can't control

Bees jail offenders

technology: Nothing to it
A cross between paper and smoke takes a hammer to break

Nothing to it

Monday 21 May 2001
brain: Jet-setting drains brains
Years of long-haul travel shrivels parts of the brain

Jet-setting drains brains

medicine: Better diagnosis for brain transplants
A second opinion puts a positive spin on controversial fetal transplants for Parkinson’s disease.

Better diagnosis for brain transplants

lifelines: Blind mice see
New photoreceptor throws light on hidden workings of the eye.

Blind mice see
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