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ISSUE 2191 Friday 25 May 2001

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 Parties draw battle lines over Europe
By George Jones, Political Editor

TONY BLAIR yesterday gave his strongest indication yet that Labour wants to scrap the pound if it returns to power on June 7.
> Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: No stopping federal advance
> Frank Johnson: Campaign Sketch
> David Hare's election
> Armando Iannuncci: Alastair's election briefing
> Daily Telegraph: Turning the Europe tide

Fury over Tory schools broadcast
THE Tories' campaign tactics provoked fresh controversy last night after state school pupils were portrayed as arsonists, thieves, vandals and drug addicts.
> Asian Tory supporters 'unhappy with Hague'
> Major gives would-be successor a guided tour
> Alice Thomson: It won't be only Tories who are buried in a landslide

Brown gets the blame for party's 'invisible' women
GORDON BROWN is being blamed personally by Labour women for presenting the party as "one massive boys' club".
> Daily Telegraph: Sexual politics

So what do they really think of us?
THE German magazine Stern yesterday delivered a damning attack on Blair's Britain, condemning it as a land of grinding poverty, failing public services, racism and incompetent government. Today, some of London's most senior foreign correspondents deliver their verdicts.

Train delays will last another year
TRAIN delays will remain at exceptionally high levels over the next year, Railtrack admitted yesterday as it asked for at least £2 billion in extra public funding.

Mass slaughter 'must go on'
THE outbreak of foot and mouth in the Yorkshire Dales has ruled out any prospect of an imminent relaxation of the current slaughter policy, Government advisers said yesterday as the 19th case was confirmed in the area.

CJD on increase as human death toll passes 100
THE death toll for the human form of mad cow disease has reached 100 and shows no signs of slowing down, scientists said yesterday.

Lawyer jailed for killing babies is not struck off
A SOLICITOR convicted of murdering two of her baby sons has persuaded a disciplinary tribunal not to strike her off.

Stepfather garrotted wife and her children
A HUSBAND who murdered his wife and four stepchildren in what was described as "a tale of true horror" in an isolated Cornish hamlet was given five life sentences yesterday.

Fragile truce in postal strike
THE postal workers whose unofficial walkout triggered wildcat strikes across the country returned to work last night, but said that the dispute was not over.

16pc rise in critical care beds needed
MORE than a third of deaths among hospital patients following their discharge from intensive care beds could be avoided if they were not moved so soon, according to researchers.

Lord Woolf criticises official secrecy
GOVERNMENT secrecy has fuelled public anxiety over issues such as GM foods and BSE, the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Woolf, said last night.

Clinton vows to back Omagh bomb court fight
BILL CLINTON, the former US president, promised yesterday to support the relatives of the victims of the Omagh bomb in their quest to take civil court action against the terrorist suspects.
> Tighter scrutiny on killings in Ulster

Nuclear fuel review plea
FRIENDS of the Earth began legal proceedings against John Prescott in the High Court yesterday over his decision to write off the £500 million cost of building a nuclear fuel factory at Sellafield.

Tony Martin says police are stooges
THE farmer convicted of murdering a teenage burglar who had broken into his isolated farmhouse said in a radio interview yesterday that police officers had been reduced to "stooges".

Curtain falls on RSC's hated home
THE Royal Shakespeare Company is to move out of the Barbican Centre, its much-hated London home for the past 19 years, leaving Britain's leading classical theatre company without a permanent base in the capital.

I never met her, says Dando suspect
BARRY GEORGE said he would not have known who Jill Dando was before her death "if she had walked up to me in the street", the Old Bailey jury heard yesterday.

Swindling bank clerk is jailed for four years
A BANK clerk who swindled her employers out of £300,000 and used the money to live "the high life" was jailed for four years yesterday.

Hot, hazy and humid holiday weekend in store
FORGET that spring bank holiday seaside tan. Much of Britain is set for a hot, hazy and humid weekend with mist-shrouded beaches.
> Today's weather

Earl on warpath over forest right of way
THE Earl of Cardigan drove his car within feet of a pram carrying baby twins on a track at the heart of a right-of-way dispute, the High Court heard yesterday.

Underweight babies 'are troublesome'
UNDERWEIGHT and premature babies are more likely to be troublesome and hyperactive children, a new study has found.

University denies Prince William link to expansion
THE University of St Andrews wants to start work on a £7 million accommodation block "as soon as possible" after being inundated with applicants wanting to study alongside Prince William.

Police sweetener to calm club revellers
A CITY'S nightclubs have been asked to play childhood favourites to revellers at closing time as part of a plan to stop street disturbances.

New insight on impulsive behaviour
SCIENTISTS have located the part of the brain that controls the desire to eat cream buns between meals and motivates addicts to seek out drugs.

30p punter scoops £.5m accumulator
A MAN who staked 30p on a 15-event multi-sports accumulator has won £500,000 as a result of Bayern Munich's penalty shoot-out win on Wednesday night.

Murdoch's girl to wed
ELISABETH MURDOCH, daughter of the media mogul Rupert, is to marry Matthew Freud, the public relations entrepreneur.

News in brief

  • Ecstasy threat to unborn child
  • Baby dies in crushed car
  • School cleared in CS gas alert
  • Children's favourites
  • Craig David wins 3 Novellos
  • Basil Brush bounces back

Law reports
LAW reports from Westlaw UK, Sweet & Maxwell's internet service for lawyers. Reports are upated each Tuesday and are available for one week only.

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