REM >TestTch REM ----------------------------- REM by Rudolf Cardinal, 7 July 99 REM Tests JP's touchscreen boxes REM Version of 12 July 99 uses 'handler' system. debug% = 1 REM ================================== REM Libraries REM ================================== PROCinit :REM Arachnid init PROCkill_all :REM Arachnid init LIBRARY ".ProgLibs.JP" PROCjp_touchscreen_boxes REM ================================= REM Initialize screen REM ================================= MODE 8:CLS PRINT "TestTch; by Rudolf Cardinal, 12 July 99." PROCtwo_regions_setup(touchscreen_channel%) REM Optionally, can now call PROCenable_stylus_status(touchscreen_channel%) PROCregister_coordinate_handler(touchscreen_channel%,"FNtest_coord(") PROCregister_superlabel_handler(touchscreen_channel%,"FNtest_superlabel(") IF debug%=1 THEN PRINT "Debugging... everything coming from the touchscreen will be printed." ENDIF PROCwait(E%): *AE END DEF FNtest_coord(x%, y%, on_off%) PRINT "Coordinate report: X=";x%;", Y=";y%;", on/off=";on_off% =0 DEF FNtest_superlabel(label$, on_off%) PRINT "Superlabel report: label=";label$;", on/off=";on_off% =0